The well-known superhero franchise DC Extende Universe, which has already come to an end, was at the time highly criticized and accused of...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 23, 2023Netflix, Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery finally met with members of the WGA to put an end to the 2023 writers strike. A...
Sebastian RamirezSeptember 21, 2023Warner Bros. Discovery has been one of the most affected companies because of the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike, which seems to have no end....
Sebastian RamirezSeptember 7, 2023The new production of Warner Bros. Discovery has drawn attention for being a total failure at the box office, thus considering ‘The Flash‘...
Luneika VasquezJuly 18, 2023According to reports made earlier this week, Warner Bros. Discovery has fired the director of the Diversity and Inclusion department, Karen Horne, seemingly...
Jhon SotoJuly 5, 2023