JYP’s labelmates recently teamed up to release “ME!”, A cover of Taylor Swift’s self-titled song, for The Melody Project. In a recent behind-the-scenes...
Derwyns DiazJuly 7, 2021In September 2020, Woojin was linked in an anonymous harassment report and after finding one of those responsible for the false rumors, today...
Derwyns DiazJune 30, 2021The agency confirmed that Stray Kids will be back promoting with their full members in the coming weeks. Hyunjin will return with Stray...
Derwyns DiazJune 28, 2021That’s right: we have leaked content from Stray Kids’ Hyunjin, almost four months after he disappeared. On Wednesday 23rd, the rapper of the...
Derwyns DiazJune 24, 2021After winning KINGDOM, Korean group Stray Kids is already preparing to make their comeback with a new single. After rumors began about Stray...
Derwyns DiazJune 18, 2021A few months ago Stray Kids member Hyunjin faced accusations, today fans, better known as STAY, are asking for news about the artist....
Derwyns DiazJune 10, 2021Today May 30, 2021, it is 100 days since the agency JYP Entertainment put Stray Kids’ Hyunjin on hiatus for really unfair reasons...
Derwyns DiazMay 31, 2021In the early morning hours of February 27, JYP Entertainment announced through an extensive statement that Hyunjin from the popular boy band Stray...
Music MundialMarch 1, 2021Han, a member of the K-pop group Stray Kids, became involved in a social media controversy after releasing a song with racist content....
Derwyns DiazFebruary 2, 2021Due to COVID-19, it is not possible to meet and greet the idols. However, many artists and labels have been resourceful creating online...
Derwyns DiazJanuary 25, 2021As we know, the group Stray Kids has ended their promotions. Now they are ready to launch a new reality show named ‘Road...
Music MundialDecember 30, 2020As we know, Felix is a rapper who likes the kitchen. He has commented that he likes to cook brownies and share them...
Derwyns DiazNovember 14, 2020