In recent days, streaming platform Netflix revealed the shocking details of the second season of ‘Squid Game‘, the hit Asian series that broke...
Luneika VasquezJune 23, 2023One of the protagonists of the famous series ‘Squid Game’ of the Netflix platform is in a big controversy and it is about...
Daniela AguileraNovember 25, 2022Following earlier reports of Lee Jung Jae snagging the male lead role in the new Star Wars series ‘The Acolyte’, Fans are shocked discovering actor...
Daniela AguileraSeptember 9, 2022The cast of the ‘Squid Game‘ reunited at the 2022 SAG Awards ceremony after being nominated in four gala categories. Lee Jung Jae, Jung...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 27, 2022The South Korean Netflix drama “Squid Game”, known in Spanish as “El Juego del Calamar” has caused a sensation around the world due...
Jhon SotoOctober 28, 2021If K-pop idols had the misfortune to participate in Squid game, who or who could win? Following the incredible success of the globally...
Derwyns DiazOctober 4, 2021Squid Game has been known to position itself as one of the best series of the year shortly after its arrival on Netflix....
Jhon SotoOctober 1, 2021Squid game has been trending in recent days. Original from Netflix, it has left the viewers with the intrigue about a second season...
Derwyns DiazSeptember 26, 2021