SEVENTEEN had one of the best years in their music career in 2023 after they released the “SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN,” and embarked on a...
Sebastian RamirezMarch 1, 2024In recent days, the SEVENTEEN member, Mingyu, stole all his fans hearts as he tried to remake Han So Hee‘s sexy viral video,...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 28, 2024SEVENTEEN has had one of the greatest runs in the Kpop scene in the last couple of years with their album, “SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN.”...
Sebastian RamirezFebruary 23, 2024The social networks collapsed when it was revealed that Song Kang joined members of NCT, SEVENTEEN, ATEEZ, and iKON to support GOT7‘s Yugyeom...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 21, 2024The recent publication of the 2023 rank of the biggest artists by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry demonstrated that SEVENTEEN was...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 21, 2024In the last few hours, it was announced that SEVENTEEN‘s Mingyu was chosen as the new Calvin Klein model. The new member generated...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 20, 2024SEVENTEEN have been living their best life in the “Nana Tour with SEVENTEEN” in Italy, numerous great moments from the series have become...
Sebastian RamirezJanuary 29, 2024Undoubtedly when you are a public figure, you have to be very careful with everything you say, do or share since being so...
Daniela AguileraJanuary 25, 2024The new K-Pop group TWS will share about Seventeen‘s touching support for them during their debut in an upcoming entertainment show that will...
Luneika VasquezJanuary 23, 2024Recently, SEVENTEEN‘s Mingyu took all his fans by surprise by confessing what his mother had to do because of how difficult it was...
Luneika VasquezJanuary 20, 2024SEVENTEEN had such an amazing 2023, the boys released their 11th mini album, “SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN.” Along with a great rollout, the boys also...
Sebastian RamirezJanuary 19, 2024Stray Kids’ Felix and SEVENTEEN’s Seungkwan are two of the most popular idols in the K-pop industry and they have undoubtedly surprised with...
Derwyns DiazJanuary 16, 2024In a recent live event, SEVENTEEN member Seungkwan worried all fans present by feeling unwell, which led him to unexpectedly leave the concert...
Luneika VasquezJanuary 13, 2024A close interaction between Hoshi of SEVENTEEN and Sunoo of ENHYPEN has created rumors that the HYBE idols are in a romantic relationship,...
Derwyns DiazJanuary 6, 2024SEVENTEEN are currently having the time of their lives in Italy, the boys are enjoying a great trip while they are premiering their...
Sebastian RamirezJanuary 6, 2024SEVENTEEN had such a great 2023 not only in musical projects but variety shows as well, the boys have been widely popular because...
Sebastian RamirezDecember 18, 2023