The renowned Sakura proves to be more than a talented idol, as her well-known crochet ability has become a new profession as she...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 29, 2024In recent days, LE SSERAFIM‘s members reunited for a new interview where Sakura explains she is not the leader of the group because...
Luneika VasquezFebruary 25, 2024The famous Korean artist Sakura, member of LE SSERAFIM, is currently suffering from a serious illness, which has forced her to stop her...
Luneika VasquezJanuary 15, 2023In a recent appearance by the K-Pop girl group, LE SSERAFIM, she accompanied Kim Jong Kook on his YouTube channel, where he recalled...
Luneika VasquezOctober 18, 2022The overweight issue is a problem worlwide, more talking about the south korean culture. Sakura breaks down in tears after LE SSERAFIM calls...
Daniela AguileraSeptember 19, 2022On episode 332 of JTBC ‘Knowing Bros‘ that aired on May 14th, LE SSERAFIM’s Sakura, Kim Chae-won, Moon Soo-ah, Billie’s Tsuki and Celeb...
Luneika VasquezMay 17, 2022