OMEGA X found themselves in an unfortunate situation during their tour in the American leg back in 2022. Spire Entertainment’s CEO, Kang Seong...
Sebastian RamirezApril 1, 2024The controversy over the abuse suffered by OMEGA X has worsened following revelations indicating that the members have suffered not only mental, verbal...
Luneika VasquezNovember 14, 2022A renowned K-Pop boy group was forced to perform at a concert despite suffering from an illness that is considered very serious, after...
Luneika VasquezNovember 13, 2022K-Pop boy group OMEGA X has gone viral after videos were released of them being verbally and physically abused by Kang Seong-hee, the...
Luneika VasquezNovember 7, 2022The members of OMEGA X have shared a group statement after creating a new Instagram account that is not under the control of...
Luneika VasquezNovember 6, 2022