When the general public thinks about which Kdrama devoured the competition during 2023, they often think of “King The Land.” The extraordinary series...
Sebastian RamirezDecember 30, 2023The success of the Netflix series ‘King The Land‘ captivated many of its users around the world who turned this production and its...
Luneika VasquezOctober 8, 2023Lee Jun-ho gained momentum because of the successful Netflix series, ‘King The Land,’ his fans, better known as Hottest, praised him not only...
Sebastian RamirezSeptember 16, 2023It is no secret that “King of the Land,” streamable on Netflix in the West, had a long run in the first spots...
Carlos GaviriaSeptember 14, 2023The renowned South Korean artist Lee Jun-ho, who gave life to the main character Gu Won in the successful series ‘King The Land‘,...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 13, 2023Lee Jun-ho has been the talk of the town because of his great performance in ‘King The Land’ and his fans have always...
Sebastian RamirezSeptember 6, 2023After the successful premiere of ‘King The Land‘, its lead actors gained a lot of popularity, including fellow K-Pop idol Lee Jun-ho, from...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 6, 2023The renowned actor and singer Lee Jun-ho, has drawn attention for his role in the praised netflix series ‘King The Land‘ stealing the...
Luneika VasquezAugust 31, 2023