With great respect, the renowned and legendary actress Jamie Lee Curtis took to her social networks to apologize to the important superhero franchise...
Luneika VasquezAugust 3, 2024Jamie Lee Curtis is not holding back when it comes to her playful jabs at Marvel! The Oscar-winner, who previously took to social...
Carlos GaviriaJuly 31, 2024There are actresses who quickly win the love of the public, as they have always shown themselves very real and with a lot...
Daniela AguileraSeptember 10, 2023Jamie Lee Curtis shocked everyone when she won her first Academy Award for her supporting role in   ’’Everything, Everywhere At All...
Sebastian RamirezMarch 25, 2023We are in the season of the best film awards, all in anticipation of the Academy Awards. Jamie Lee Curtis won the title...
Daniela AguileraFebruary 27, 2023