During a recent interview, the renowned screenwriter James Gunn confessed how he created the Infinity Stones for the Marvel Universe, which has had...
Luneika VasquezMay 26, 2024If you have been a little updated with what is happening in the world of superheroes, James Gunn came to DC to reboot...
Daniela AguileraDecember 17, 2023There is a new hope in the world of superheroes and his name is James Gunn, and the fact is that DC movies...
Daniela AguileraDecember 13, 2023Hollywood has been in turmoil for many months and not only because of the serious strike that the film industry has been experiencing,...
Daniela AguileraOctober 15, 2023When James Gunn arrived at DC it was known that there were going to be many changes within the company, because unfortunately the...
Daniela AguileraOctober 8, 2023DC franchise has been the talk of the town for the mishaps along the way that brought atrocious consequences for the popularity of...
Sebastian RamirezSeptember 29, 2023James Gunn has given sensational movies into the DC universe that have become a global phenomenon, however, numerous fans have stated this universe...
Sebastian RamirezSeptember 29, 2023The renowned director James Gunn has excited his followers by announcing the projects that he has already finished and that are coming to...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 12, 2023These are the actors who are secured for James Gunn’s DC universe. Arrived at the power of one of the largest producers of...
Daniela AguileraAugust 21, 2023The decisions that people in the movie industry make can be very confusing, as the public is unable to explain the different reasons...
Daniela AguileraAugust 3, 2023The new restructuring of Warner Bros Discovery seems to be showing the first effects, as James Gunn and Peter Safran, who took over...
Daniela AguileraDecember 8, 2022