Based on the book trilogy of the same name, “The Hunger Games” movie franchise started in 2012 with the worldwide release of its...
Jhon SotoJune 8, 2024Suzanne Collins, author of the “Hunger Games,” caused a great buzz among the franchise fans because after announcing “Sunrise of the Reaping.” The...
Sebastian RamirezJune 7, 2024When the studios decided that they would make adaptations of teen novels the world was not prepared for what was to come. It...
Daniela AguileraOctober 22, 2023Ever wondered about the numbers of Jennifer Lawrence’s paychecks for slaying in “The Hunger Games”? If so, here’s some flipping hot tea for...
Carlos GaviriaOctober 3, 2023The Hunger Games is one of the most influential and successful film franchises of the last decade but it looks like things were...
Sebastian RamirezMarch 3, 2023