In this new short film, Disney presents Bianca, a girl who is a dancer and is overweight, which led her to develop body...
Derwyns DiazDecember 19, 2022The renowned actor Johnny Depp, who played the character of Captain Jack Sparrow for many years, dressed up again as him, to give...
Daniela AguileraDecember 16, 2022Mexican filmmaker Jonás Cuarón, son of fellow film director Alfonso Cuarón, will direct Marvel’s new movie, ‘El Muerto’, which will star Bad Bunny....
Daniela AguileraOctober 9, 2022BTS‘ “Permission To Dance On Stage” show series in Los Angeles, held by the boy group at SoFi Stadium in late 2021 where...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 8, 2022BTS is preparing another project to deliver to fans. The surprise is that the group is in close collaboration with Disney, and its...
Luneika VasquezJuly 12, 2022“We Don’t Talk About Bruno” from Disney’s Encanto movie, that is a reference to Colombia (Country in Latam) is now one of the...
Music MundialFebruary 4, 2022In recent years, several animated classics from childhood have returned, such as Aladdin, The Lion King, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and more,...
Luneika VasquezJanuary 22, 2022The popular American actress Scarlett Johansson has confirmed that after a controversial and resounding legal battle against Disney over the Black Widow case,...
Jhon SotoSeptember 30, 2021As much as it seems that in the film industry everyone works with pleasure and supports each other in exciting projects, we must...
Jhon SotoSeptember 10, 2021The legal battle between Scarlett Johansson and Disney for the premiere of Black Widow is stronger than ever since, after a series of...
Jhon SotoAugust 25, 2021Dinsey and Marvel have completely closed the doors to actress Scarlett Johansson, this thanks to the lawsuit that the actress has made against...
Jhon SotoAugust 4, 2021The famous and renowned actress has assured that the simultaneous premiere of her most recent film, ‘Black Widow’, was not part of the...
Jhon SotoJuly 29, 2021