Variety has kept the tradition of having their annual show, “Variety Studio: Actors on Actors,” also referred to as “Actors on Actors.” The...
Sebastian RamirezDecember 7, 2024Cynthia Erivo, the iconic Elphaba in “Wicked,” isn’t just defying gravity—she’s defying old-school theater rules! During the 2024 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the actor...
Carlos GaviriaDecember 1, 2024The magical world of Wicked just hit the screens yesterday, November 21, 2024! With powerhouse performances from Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba and Ariana...
Carlos GaviriaNovember 26, 2024Ariana Grande is bringing her star power to Korea! Alongside her “Wicked” co-star Cynthia Erivo, the two powerhouse singers made their debut on...
Carlos GaviriaNovember 10, 2024