After becoming the topic of conversation around the world, due to the great success of the movie ‘Barbie‘, many have been intrigued by...
Luneika VasquezJuly 29, 2023One of the most anticipated movies in recent years has been Barbie, this new adaptation of the iconic doll that shows a very...
Daniela AguileraJuly 28, 2023Margot Robbie is back in the spotlight with the critically acclaimed movie, Barbie which she starred in. She has received praise for her...
Sebastian RamirezJuly 26, 2023Since the premiere of ‘Barbie‘, each of the details of this has taken over social networks around the world, because since the announcement...
Luneika VasquezJuly 26, 2023One of the most anticipated movies of recent years has already premiered and has not disappointed, and is that all the people joined...
Daniela AguileraJuly 24, 2023The world has not seen two releases at the same time so important in a long time, and July has seen Universal vs....
Daniela AguileraJuly 23, 2023The battle of the year, Barbie vs Oppenheimer, the cinema has been crazy lately, due to the huge popularity that both have had...
Daniela AguileraJuly 22, 2023The release of the long-awaited ‘Barbie‘ movie, starring Australian actress Margot Robbie and Canadian actor Ryan Gosling, has finally happened today and the...
Luneika VasquezJuly 22, 2023The long-awaited premiere of the movie ‘Barbie‘ was a great moment in movie theaters, which were filled with fans wearing the distinctive pink...
Luneika VasquezJuly 22, 2023The furor that is generating the premiere of ‘Barbie‘ live action, continues to add trend throughout the Internet. And it is for that...
Luneika VasquezJuly 17, 2023Barbie fever is at its peak, and is that after many months of marketing, the day is almost here and the premiere of...
Daniela AguileraJuly 14, 2023Every job has good and bad days that are seen as a challenge that will help you later in life, but no matter...
Daniela AguileraJuly 13, 2023The Barbie invasion is imminent. Everyone has joined the great love for Mattel’s signature doll, including world-renowned urban celebrities such as Karol G,...
Daniela AguileraJuly 12, 2023The most awaited movie of all times ‘Barbie‘ has already gathered its first reactions where the whole truth has been told, and has...
Luneika VasquezJuly 12, 2023For some time now, the famous actors Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling have stolen all the attention of the media and social networks...
Luneika VasquezJuly 12, 2023It is already known that some countries take the creative decision to edit posters, images and photographs of celebrities censoring what they do...
Daniela AguileraJuly 11, 2023