Jennie, a member of the renowned girl group BLACKPINK, has made a worrying confession to her fans about her delicate state of health...
Luneika VasquezAugust 12, 2023At the end of July the movie ‘Red, White & Royal Blue‘ premiered on Amazon Prime, and to this day it has been...
Luneika VasquezAugust 12, 2023The famous actor Chris Hemsworth has shown to be really worried about his recent arrival at 40 years of age last Friday, August...
Luneika VasquezAugust 12, 2023‘Elite‘ is one of the most famous series on Netflix and which at the time became a trend on social networks, tells the...
Luneika VasquezAugust 11, 2023A few days ago, the Korean Government began a strong controversy, because after having made a bad organization of the World Scout Jamboree,...
Luneika VasquezAugust 11, 2023In recent days the series ‘Heartstopper‘ has dominated social networks after its second season was released on Netflix, however it failed to reach...
Luneika VasquezAugust 11, 2023For some time now, Lisa of the girl group BLACKPINK has been involved in romance rumors with businessman Frédéric Arnault. Although so far...
Luneika VasquezAugust 11, 2023V, from the boy group BTS, debuted as a soloist with his first song ‘Love Me Again‘ a few days ago, this being...
Luneika VasquezAugust 11, 2023V, a member of the K-Pop group BTS, has surprised his fans with an unexpected plea in his new song ‘Love Me Again‘...
Luneika VasquezAugust 11, 2023Finally the date of NCT’s anticipated musical comeback as a full group has been announced, being one of the upcoming projects to be...
Derwyns DiazAugust 10, 2023It has now been confirmed by multiple sources that the beloved singer Rihanna has given birth to her second child with her current...
Jhon SotoAugust 10, 2023The K-Pop industry is a time highly anticipated by fans, as idol members of major groups are launching their solo projects. Now, in...
Luneika VasquezAugust 10, 2023Artificial intelligence is here to stay and has caused a great controversy, since the jobs done by computers are so accurate that even...
Daniela AguileraAugust 10, 2023Sofia Vergara, one of the most famous Latina actresses is reportedly entering a new stage in her life after the announcement of her...
Daniela AguileraAugust 10, 2023Whenever news of the death of a person is shared, the industry is put in complicated moments, as everyone makes sacrifices that unfortunately...
Daniela AguileraAugust 10, 2023In recent days, Ariana Grande has excited her fans by announcing that she is working on new musical projects that many have longed...
Luneika VasquezAugust 10, 2023