The well-known superhero franchise DC Extende Universe, which has already come to an end, was at the time highly criticized and accused of...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 23, 2023In recent days, George R.R. Martin, the creator of the successful fantasy saga titled ‘Game Of Thrones‘, has attracted the attention of his...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 23, 2023The Kpop world is in a transition period amid the contract renewal of BTS and BLACKPINK. While the Kpop girl band has not...
Carlos GaviriaSeptember 23, 2023In the middle of the fight to become the number 1 streaming platform, MAXÂ adds new productions to its catalog that allowed it to...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 23, 2023With the proximity of the second installment of ‘Aquaman‘ of the DC cinematic universe, director James Wan made a surprising revelation about some...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 23, 2023Madonna does not stop causing controversy, it seems that now her new taste is to annoy international brands such as Pepsi. Madonna has...
Daniela AguileraSeptember 22, 2023A couple of months ago the world came to a standstill following the news of the death of a young actor who had...
Daniela AguileraSeptember 22, 2023The 100th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company is very close, and two exciting projects will arrive in celebration. One will be a...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 22, 2023Although in the original video game Yoshi was always present for Mario, in the first movie of this well-known character, the little dinosaur...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023The successful Korean Netflix series titled ‘King The Land‘ has captivated a large part of the platform’s users, which has caused the streaming...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023Netflix is one of the most popular streaming platforms of all time, people usually turn to this platform for entertainment purposes, and thanks...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023With the great success of the first installment of the Netflix streaming service series titled ‘Wednesday‘, the platform announced a second season, which...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023A few years ago, in the film industry, beings called vampires gained a lot of popularity, which led them to be one of...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023Taylor Swift has been non-stop this year between releasing her version of “Speak Now,” touring the globe with “The Eras World Tour,” revisiting...
Carlos GaviriaSeptember 21, 2023The successful Netflix series titled ‘You‘, which debuted with its first installment in 2018, has a new update about its fifth and final...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023In recent days, the renewal of the contract of the BLACKPINK members with their debut label, YG Entertainment, has been a hot topic...
Luneika VasquezSeptember 21, 2023