Despite being a book saga, it is a reality that Disney’s film production, in the first installment, caused a lot of commotion, due...
Daniela AguileraNovember 8, 2023Many times we think that royalty is far away from show business, but the reality is that they are much closer than we...
Daniela AguileraNovember 8, 2023Blue Beetle was definitely a surprise in cinematic quality, as fans with very low expectations, indicated that it was not a bad movie,...
Daniela AguileraNovember 8, 2023Nia DaCosta is a very interesting film director who has been making her way through the entertainment industry, with a very interesting proposal...
Daniela AguileraNovember 8, 2023The movie starring Brie Larsen is coming soon, a few days of its release and the networks are already full of reactions from...
Daniela AguileraNovember 8, 2023Expectations for the new Marvel movie, The Marvels, are at rock bottom if you ask any fan, and the problems that the studio...
Daniela AguileraNovember 8, 2023BTS’ Jungkook has been the talk of the town since the release of his highly-anticipated debut album, “GOLDEN” on November 3. The idol...
Sebastian RamirezNovember 8, 2023Patrick Dempsey has been one of the most beloved actors because of his groundbreaking role on the small screen as Derek Shepherd on...
Sebastian RamirezNovember 8, 2023Britney Spears has been the hot trending topic of the year after she released her memoir, “The Woman In Me” on October 24....
Sebastian RamirezNovember 8, 2023BTS’ Jin is one of the most beloved members of the group, not only because of his undeniable talent but for his amazing...
Sebastian RamirezNovember 8, 2023IVE has been the talk of the town since the release of their highly anticipated EP, “I’VE MINE” on October 13. The undeniable...
Sebastian RamirezNovember 8, 2023Park Seo Joon became one of the most acclaimed actors after his groundbreaking role in “Parasyte” released in 2019. This particular movie opened...
Sebastian RamirezNovember 8, 2023When Nintendo realized that the Super Mario Bros movie would be a success, they understood that people wanted to see more adventures of...
Daniela AguileraNovember 7, 2023The British royal family is sometimes such a complicated subject that no one knows for sure what is going on, as the international...
Daniela AguileraNovember 7, 2023Last year a movie came out that terrified the whole world with the savagery of the story and the complicity of the main...
Daniela AguileraNovember 7, 2023Jennifer Lopez is a representative of the Latino community due to her roots despite being born in the United States, but the impact...
Daniela AguileraNovember 7, 2023