Angus Cloud, the actor who portrayed Fezco in the successful HBO series Euphoria, has passed away at the age of 25. His family...
Jhon SotoJuly 31, 2023Angus Cloud was just 25 years old and became famous for playing Fezco in the HBO series “EUPHORIA” starring Zendaya. The news was...
Derwyns DiazJuly 31, 2023For a long time, whenever you thought of Disney, you could only imagine hits, but then came the age of streaming and many...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023After more than 3 years of relationship, Rosalia’s engagement to Rauw Alejandro has ended causing thousands of comments from followers to come in...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023When the strikes in Hollywood began, no one had imagined the impact this would have on the industry until they saw the problems...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023The dramas of the crown always have great relevance, as they are people who spend their entire lives in front of the cameras,...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023The news of the actor Johnny Depp does not get better despite all the problems he would be living, since after years in...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may not be living their best moment in Los Angeles, as they moved away from the royals, but...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023Actor Brad Pitt is one of the most representative figures of Hollywood cinema, since he has been in the industry for many years...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023At this moment Shakira’s love life would be a mystery, since so far, there have been two men in rumors of maintaining a...
Daniela AguileraJuly 30, 2023BLACKPINK gained recognition in the K-pop industry with their mega hits which became popular around the world. This has made them as one...
Sebastian RamirezJuly 30, 2023BTS’ Jin and Blackpink’s Jennie have stood out in the K-pop scene for their immense talent and influence all around the world, and...
Sebastian RamirezJuly 30, 2023The 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike seems to have no ending, and numerous media outlets unveiled an important event that might be compromised because of...
Sebastian RamirezJuly 30, 2023Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship has not been going through great moments. This has sparked many rumors that state an imminent divorce...
Sebastian RamirezJuly 30, 2023Kate Middleton and Prince William became two of the most beloved members of the royal family since King Charles III’s official coronation because...
Sebastian RamirezJuly 30, 2023When the world found out that there would be a series in the same universe as Game Of Thrones, all the fans were...
Daniela AguileraJuly 29, 2023