This Sunday, April 28th, Prince Harry confirms his date of return to the United Kingdom. This time his visit is due to the...
Luneika VasquezApril 28, 2024The Royal Family experienced one of the saddest moments after Queen Elizabeth II deceased. After Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s departure from the...
Sebastian RamirezApril 28, 2024Prince William and Kate Middleton are two of the most beloved working royals in the British monarchy. They’ve shared their lives intensely since...
Sebastian RamirezApril 28, 2024Get ready, royal lovers! As you probably know, Prince Harry is making a comeback to the UK this May for a stellar Thanksgiving...
Carlos GaviriaApril 28, 2024Queen Mary of Denmark had us all screaming “déjà-vu” looking like Kate Middleton. The Queen consort of Denmark just dazzled in a series...
Carlos GaviriaApril 28, 2024Okay, royal followers and Swifties, gather around! That’s because Princess Diana and King Charles have recently gone viral on TikTok, all thanks to...
Carlos GaviriaApril 28, 2024Meghan Markle has been all about doing her own business lately! The royal renegade has just started giving Hollywood celebrities a taste of...
Carlos GaviriaApril 27, 2024Ever dreamed of driving like a queen? Now’s your time! Queen Elizabeth’s 2001 Daimler Majestic is hitting the auction room thanks to Bonhams....
Carlos GaviriaApril 27, 2024Buckingham Palace released on April 26th a new photo of King Charles with Queen Camilla to commemorate one year since his coronation on...
Luneika VasquezApril 27, 2024A new controversy has reached Prince Harry, who comes under fire for his ‘ridiculous’ decision to use UK medals to present a US...
Luneika VasquezApril 27, 2024King Charles‘ garden is certainly one of the places that scream “royal elegance,” and it’s also something regular people can’t afford… But fear...
Carlos GaviriaApril 27, 2024Princess Charlotte, the ever-charming daughter of Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton, isn’t immune to the charm of a good nickname! While she...
Carlos GaviriaApril 27, 2024Following the family traditions, these are the titles George, Charlotte, and Louis will receive when Prince William becomes king, but there are some...
Luneika VasquezApril 27, 2024Kate Middleton‘s absence from the royal landscape has caused thousands of conspiracies and commentaries regarding her true health condition. Although Middleton herself addressed...
Sebastian RamirezApril 27, 2024Thanks to a video of an interview from 2001 posted by a user on the social network TikTok, the renowned actress Emma Watson...
Luneika VasquezApril 27, 2024King Charles III and Prince Harry’s quick meeting became a major topic in the United Kingdom for a couple of weeks. This unexpected...
Sebastian RamirezApril 27, 2024