There are only a few weeks left for the premiereof the new film by the renowned director Christopher Nolan, a production titled ‘Oppenheimer‘...
Luneika VasquezJuly 1, 2023‘The Flash’, DC Studios and Warner Bros. latest movie, is already considered a complete failure as the film was not able to impress...
Sebastian RamirezJune 30, 2023James Gunn, co-chairman and co-CEO of DC Studios, announced that he finally found the new actor who is going to replace Henry Cavill...
Sebastian RamirezJune 29, 2023The news that Barbie fans have been waiting for has arrived, the life-size Malibu dream house of the iconic Mattel doll located in...
Luneika VasquezJune 29, 2023One of the most beloved couples in entertainment is the relationship that has emerged between Tom Holland and Zendaya since they worked together...
Luneika VasquezJune 29, 2023Margot Robbie has accomplished one of her dreams when she was just a child, where she imagined herself as Barbie, now, the Australian...
Jhon SotoJune 28, 2023The actress who plays Barbie, Margot Robbie, revealed that she along with Greta Gerwig had an intense argument with Mattel’s CEO over several...
Luneika VasquezJune 28, 2023Today, the young promise of Hollywood, Zendaya, has become the target of many franchises, due to her great talent, with the success of...
Jhon SotoJune 28, 2023The popular American streaming platform Netflix has merged the HBO series ‘Game of Thrones‘ with the Marvel Superheroes production company. This, to create...
Luneika VasquezJune 27, 2023‘Elemental’, Disney and Pixar’s latest movie, premiered on June 16, 2023, in the United States and in many other countries all around the...
Sebastian RamirezJune 27, 2023Amber Heard is back on the big screen in a project titled ‘In The Fire‘, which has sent a mocking message to fans...
Luneika VasquezJune 27, 2023Recently, news of the departure of Latondra Newton, former head of Disney‘s diversity department, was announced. According to the official statement issued by...
Luneika VasquezJune 26, 2023The famous actress, Margot Robbie, who will give life to ‘Barbie‘ in the live action of the iconic Mattel doll explained in a...
Luneika VasquezJune 26, 2023Amber Heard is back in the world of cinema, this is how it has been indicated when she appeared for the promotion of...
Daniela AguileraJune 25, 2023Zendaya will return to the big screen and she will do it in a hot way, now, besides being involved in a forbidden,...
Luneika VasquezJune 25, 2023Amy Schumer confirmed that she did not continue in the project of the film adaptation of ‘Barbie‘ because she did not see the...
Luneika VasquezJune 25, 2023