The renowned actress Natalie Portman, although she has achieved great and important performances in the world of cinema, such as in the three...
Luneika VasquezOctober 8, 2023In a recent interview, the famous actor Chris Hemsworth has shared the changes he has had to make in his life after revealing...
Luneika VasquezOctober 7, 2023Among the streaming platforms that are dominating the entertainment industry is MAX, a service that is characterized by its varied catalog of exclusive...
Luneika VasquezOctober 7, 2023The spooky season is here, and everyone is enjoying this month while they prepare for Halloween with various activities, including watching horror movies,...
Luneika VasquezOctober 7, 2023Taylor Swift has participated in unsuccessful film projects, but now she has decided to go all in with the premiere of her The...
Daniela AguileraOctober 6, 2023Disney‘s next film, ‘Wish: The Power of Wishes‘, is the production with which the production company hopes to celebrate its 100th anniversary, so...
Luneika VasquezOctober 6, 2023Jason Statham has accustomed us to his roles as a tough character as in titles such as The Expendables, Crank or The Transporter....
Derwyns DiazOctober 6, 2023There are actors who have shown us in each of their productions, the great variety of characters and acting talent they have to...
Daniela AguileraOctober 5, 2023A few days ago a highly anticipated horror movie was released as it continues a saga created by the same James Wan who...
Daniela AguileraOctober 5, 2023Actor Regé-Jean Page, who gained great popularity thanks to his role in the series ‘Bridgerton‘, captivated many fans with his participation in another...
Luneika VasquezOctober 5, 2023In recent days, fans of the Marvel cinematic world were surprised with an unexpected revelation regarding the upcoming releases of the ‘Avengers‘ saga,...
Luneika VasquezOctober 5, 2023The dream of many actors is to be part of a company as big as Disney, especially if it is a superhero movie,...
Daniela AguileraOctober 4, 2023Lately international movies have had high relevance in streaming platforms, especially the largest worldwide Netflix since it has a varied catalog of different...
Daniela AguileraOctober 4, 2023Marvel has become one of the most famous entertainment producers worldwide, since it has the licenses and exploitation of the most beloved and...
Daniela AguileraOctober 4, 2023Lately superhero movies have not been generating what they would have liked at the box office as the cinematic quality they have been...
Daniela AguileraOctober 4, 2023Since Disney announced in 2017 the acquisition of 21st Century Fox and all its properties, including the X-Men, many fans of these comics...
Luneika VasquezOctober 4, 2023