According to the renowned Variety magazine, the producer of major animated films, Disney, is being sued by 9,000 women who accuse the company...
Luneika VasquezDecember 11, 2023Deadline recently announced that ‘Wednesday‘ actress Emma Myers is joining the cast of the highly anticipated Minecraft movie, a major breakthrough for the...
Luneika VasquezDecember 7, 2023The film industry had great releases this year; however, not all of them had the same success, so now we present the top...
Luneika VasquezDecember 7, 2023Iconic actor, Angelina Jolie, confirmed she will be wearing her horns once more in Disney’s “Maleficent 3.” This exciting news comes straight from...
Carlos GaviriaDecember 6, 2023Due to the excellent chemistry shown on screen during their performance in the movie ‘Barbie’, the director of the film ‘Ocean’s‘, Jay Roach,...
Luneika VasquezDecember 5, 2023Film fanatics, got your popcorn ready? Recently, Margot Robbie, the powerhouse behind “Barbie,” shared a juicy tidbit with Cilan Murphy. The pair sat...
Carlos GaviriaDecember 5, 2023Michael Jackson’s influence is still present in almost every artist who seeks excellence, Jackson’s magnum opus, “Thriller” was released almost 40 years ago....
Sebastian RamirezDecember 3, 2023Beyoncé has been the clear reference of success, commitment, and quality over almost two decades. The American artist keeps demonstrating there is space...
Sebastian RamirezDecember 3, 2023During a press conference with the Critics Choice Association, renowned actor Tom Holland revealed his condition to return to be Spider-Man with Marvel...
Luneika VasquezDecember 2, 2023Beyoncé recently dropped her cinematic masterpiece, “Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé.” The film, which shows the behind-the-scenes and the best bits and pieces...
Carlos GaviriaDecember 2, 2023Beyoncé has rocked the entire industry with the release of her concert movie, “Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé.” This film sees the pop...
Carlos GaviriaDecember 1, 2023Recently, it was released through the Netflix streaming service an Adam Sandler‘s touching film, which is currently the most watched movie on the...
Luneika VasquezNovember 30, 2023Netflix has become the most popular streaming platform of the moment, so every week its users anxiously await the release of new productions,...
Luneika VasquezNovember 27, 2023In a recent interview for the prestigious Empire Magazine, Kelsey Mann, director of ‘Inside Out 2‘, explains how the role of ‘Anxiety‘ will...
Luneika VasquezNovember 26, 2023Alright, Beyhive! Queen Beyoncé is calling. Why, you might ask? Well, yesterday, November 25 she premiered the “Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé,” at...
Carlos GaviriaNovember 26, 2023In a recent interview with the Associated Press, it was revealed that this is the reason why Margot Robbie does not want to...
Luneika VasquezNovember 25, 2023