V, from the renowned boy group BTS, has shocked his fans all over the world by releasing his first song along with his...
Luneika VasquezAugust 9, 2023In the last few hours, the idol V, a member of the famous boy group BTS, has completely surprised his fans around the...
Luneika VasquezAugust 9, 2023On August 8th, the South Korean Nation Government has contacted the renowned boy group BTS to request their help in a major problem...
Luneika VasquezAugust 9, 2023BTS’ V and Park Hyung Sik surprised the Wooga squad member, Park Seo Joon, at the premiere of Concrete Utopia on August 8....
Sebastian RamirezAugust 8, 2023In recent days Jisoo and Rosé, from the world-renowned K-Pop group BLACKPINK, took to social media to celebrate the quartet’s 7th anniversary with...
Luneika VasquezAugust 8, 2023The great emotion that Jungkook, a member of the famous boy group BTS, caused when he returned with a new publication to Twitter...
Luneika VasquezAugust 8, 2023In recent days, RM and Suga, members of the boy group BTS have become a trend on social networks for having performed together...
Luneika VasquezAugust 8, 2023Jisoo, from the renowned girl group BLACKPINK, excited her fans by reappearing in a recent live broadcast to interact with her fans on...
Luneika VasquezAugust 8, 2023Since his ascension to the throne, the reign of King Charles III has been involved in different rumors and controversies, however one in...
Luneika VasquezAugust 8, 2023ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo is one of the most popular members of the boy band due to his undeniable talent and impeccable fashion...
Sebastian RamirezAugust 8, 2023RM, the famous rapper from the boy group BTS, is preparing for his soon enlistment in the South Korean mandatory military service. In...
Luneika VasquezAugust 8, 2023After several months of speculation about his future solo music, V, member of famous South Korean Kpop group BTS, officially announced his debut...
Derwyns DiazAugust 7, 2023In the second season of the successful series based on the book ‘Heartstopper‘ by writer Alice Oseman, viewers continue to discover the love...
Luneika VasquezAugust 7, 2023Jimin, from the boy group BTS, surprised his fans by appearing on the second date of the last concerts of his groupmate Suga‘s...
Luneika VasquezAugust 7, 2023Jisoo, the famous member of the girl group BLACKPINK, surprised by sharing with her fans a short but sincere statement about her recently...
Luneika VasquezAugust 7, 2023Although KPOP is home to artists of all kinds with very different sounds, there are many risky proposals that have yet to be...
Derwyns DiazAugust 7, 2023