Soon to be released is the K-Drama ‘Marry My Husband‘, starring renowned actress Park Min Young, who underwent an incredible physical transformation by...
Luneika VasquezNovember 23, 2023Rookie group “BABYMONSTER” will be coming to us pretty soon! These talented girls are from YG Entertainment, also BLACKPINK‘s company. Recently, they’ve been...
Carlos GaviriaNovember 23, 2023Tim Burton‘s “Nightmare Before Christmas” is a total underdog story. Remember when it first hit the screens in the 90s? It wasn’t exactly...
Carlos GaviriaNovember 23, 2023On November 23rd, BTS‘ Jungkook shared a touching letter about his military enlistment on Weverse, to which Jin, who was the first member...
Luneika VasquezNovember 23, 2023Just a few minutes ago, the agency behind BTS‘ Jungkook, BIGHIT Music, announced a new solo release from the idol, revealing a collaboration...
Luneika VasquezNovember 23, 2023There are different theme parks around the world that attract a lot of attention, with Universal and of course Disney being the biggest...
Daniela AguileraNovember 22, 2023There are extremely difficult moments that people can live and of course one of them is to suffer the harassment of a person,...
Daniela AguileraNovember 22, 2023A new film has arrived to dominate the cinema, and this year has been so complicated with so many cinematic proposals that we...
Daniela AguileraNovember 22, 2023Social networks ensure that we are in one of the most controversial times to issue an opinion, since freedom of expression could be...
Daniela AguileraNovember 22, 2023After failure after failure after failure, DC decided to put a pause and reboot an entire universe and now the man responsible for...
Daniela AguileraNovember 22, 2023The world of superhero movies is most interesting in the case of acceptance, as on the one hand, the Marvel movies are being...
Daniela AguileraNovember 22, 2023BANG magazine was in charge of organizing the fantasy literature festival, where the author of ‘Game of Thrones’ was present. Taking the opportunity,...
Luneika VasquezNovember 22, 2023Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, during their relationship, formed a family with six children, of whom three were adopted; however, the relationship seems...
Luneika VasquezNovember 22, 2023During the last decade, K-Pop has achieved great popularity around the world, breaking historical records and even topping the Billboard charts, and these...
Luneika VasquezNovember 22, 2023The members of the renowned Korean pop group BLACKPINK join The Beatles and Adele in receiving a royal honor in the United Kingdom...
Luneika VasquezNovember 22, 2023‘Monuments: Beyond the Star‘ is BTS‘ new moving documentary series that will take a look back at the band’s most iconic moments during...
Luneika VasquezNovember 22, 2023