The live-action adaptation of the beloved manga, One Piece, hit small screens at home on August 31. The series was met with a positive and warm reception from both critics and fans, partly thanks to its amazing cast. In spite of the fact that Iñaki Godoy and Mackenyu Omaeda (who play Luffy and Zoro respectively) have stolen most of the spotlights, this time it is the turn for another member of the cast to share her story!
This time we are going to be telling you about Emily Rudd, the actress who was chosen to play Nami in the One Piece live-action. Emily is a 30-year-old artist, who had mostly played minor roles until 2021 when she portrayed Cindy Berman in Netflix’s “Fear Street,” and then One Piece in 2023.
The American actress is probably the biggest fan of the One Piece franchise among the cast, since she had pursued the role for Nami as soon as she found out about the plans for the live-action to be brought to Netflix. She said:
“I colored my hair red and got it cut just like Nami’s. I posted a video of myself when I was younger tumbling and doing back-fips.”
After getting officially getting the character, she thought it was unbelievable, and expressed she felt fortunate. “I was like “Oh my god, I did it! I can’t believe I did it. How did I get so lucky? It was crazy, I got to work my dream job.” She said.
In addition, she is also an anime fan and a video games enthusiast. She has even recommended her cast member some Japanese animated series during interviews. Emily also mentioned that some of her most appreciated possessions were her beloved console and some Pokémon cards she now regrets having gotten rid of in the past.