One of the most anticipated movies was Guardians of the Galaxy, as it would end the trilogy of the beloved Marvel franchise that follows the adventures of a special group in charge of defending the universe from possible extermination. After months in theaters 3, controversial deleted scenes from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 are leaked.
It is already characteristic that Marvel movies have 1 or 2 extra scenes in credits, but also, there have been participations of actors that could not be seen on screen because they did not pass the final cut or simply, moments of the film that will no longer be seen because it does not go with the continuity of the edition.
Ahead of the Marvel movie’s debut on digital last Friday, PEOPLE has gotten its hands on several of the scenes that were removed from James Gunn’s film, and one in particular was labeled as leaked, where we can watch 29-year-old Pete Davidson complete a silly exchange with Chris Pratt’s character.
In the deleted scene titled “Annoyed Peter,” Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, asks Phlektik, played by Pete Davidson, “Are you always this irritating?” to which Davidson replies, “Uh, yeah, I think so. I think so. Am I, guys?” and nods in affirmation.
The scenes can be viewed by purchasing the blu-ray version of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which is now available for purchase digitally.