Anne, a 53-year-old French interior designer who believed she was dating Brad Pitt, was conned into sending a whopping $850,000 for cancer treatment to a scammer claiming to be the actor. The lady detailed her story on TF1’s Seven to Eight show, retelling how this imposter started an online romance with her.
The situation dates back to 2023 when Anne was initially contacted by someone pretending to be Brad Pitt’s mom, Jane Pitt. The scammer messaged her through Instagram, telling her that she would be a good match for her son. Following this, another account contacted her posing as Brad Pitt, and they spent a year and a half communicating. The criminal then convinced her to send $850,000 for medical costs, with excuses about frozen bank accounts due to his divorce from Angelina Jolie. They utilized AI pictures of him in the hospital, taking advantage of Anne’s limited Internet knowledge.
A French woman reportedly divorced her millionaire husband then was scammed out of $850k by a fake Brad Pitt.
The scammer used AI-generated photos and claimed he was undergoing cancer treatment and couldn’t access his money due to his divorce. She realized the truth upon seeing…
— Pop Base (@PopBase) January 14, 2025
The lady even divorced her millionaire husband to continue the relationship with the person posing as the actor. Eventually, Anne realized she had been scammed after seeing the real Brad Pitt with his girlfriend, Inés de Ramón, on TV.