BLACKPINK’s Rosé has set fans abuzz after being allegedly spotted in Hawaii with Gossip Girl actor Evan Mock, who’s also her co-star in the “Toxic Till the End” music video. The pair were allegedly snapped hanging out in the New Year together before the photo mysteriously vanished from social media. It was allegedly posted by one of Evan Mock’s relatives on January 10, 2024, in their stories, but boom! As soon as the snap was uploaded, the poster quickly removed it, fueling the romance speculation.
Catch the snap here:
These rumors date back to December 6, 2024, when “Toxic Till the End” dropped. In the clip, Evan Mocks plays Rosé’s toxic love interest. Then, the pair continued to spark dating rumors after multiple sightings in New York after the music video release, which led fans to suspect that these hangouts were more than work.
So, are they or aren’t they? Neither Rosé’s reps nor Evan’s team have chimed in about any blossoming relationship, leaving BLINKs and Gossip Girl fans to run wild with theories. One thing’s certain: if these two decide to make it official, they’d be the ultimate crossover couple!