BTS’ V was recently spotted enjoying a coffee run with a fellow soldier, instantly sending fans into a frenzy. Though he tried staying low-key, his handsome features and growing hair were hard to miss in that military uniform. He celebrated his 29th birthday on December 30, and ARMYs worldwide went all out, decorating nearby streets with over 70 banners.
V enlisted for his mandatory service alongside RM in December 11, 2023, and has since served for 13 months. This makes his discharge date come closer, now scheduled for June 10, 2025. Meanwhile, our vocalist currently serves at the SDT (Special Duty Team) barrack in Chuncheon City, and fans can’t stop buzzing about his occasional outings. This latest clip, shared on social media, shows him casually picking up drinks, possibly treating himself and his fellow soldiers to a post-birthday hangout.
— 소라야🌬🌸🐻WINTER AHEAD❄️ 🫡🪖 소라야 = 별의 아름다움⭐️ (@_soraya_V) January 3, 2025
And even though V is away from the spotlight thanks to his military stint, ARMY has been loyally waiting for their return. From banners on the streets to digital tributes online, fans keep making heartfelt tributes to sweeten the idol’s absence.