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Body language expert analyzes Queen Letizia

Body language expert analyzes Queen Letizia

Whenever we see a public figure, we can imagine how would be the personality of these people, but the reality is that in private they become completely different than what we see on the covers or in public appearances, and is that public figures often even get to have a stage name. Now it has been the experts who have been analyzing different public figures, thanks to the vitality of clips through social networks and an example would be the analysis that has been made to the beautiful Queen Letizia to know how her personality really is and what has been discovered to everyone.

queen letizia
Vanessa Guerra, expert in nonverbal communication and author of the soon to be published book ‘The body language of emotions’ has analyzed some actions of the famous and beautiful Queen Letizia, and is that according to what she said, even a simple greeting is much more than what it would mean implicitly:

“In general, the Queen’s greeting is quite correct: she greets with an open palm and grips the other’s hand tightly, a symptom of power and leadership.”
“The Queen Letizia is also effusive when she greets people she has affection for, as we see in the greeting to the president of the Spanish Foundation for Rare Diseases: we see how her smile is wider, she moves her hand with more energy and even lets her right arm be touched by him. A sign of trust”. “does not avoid making small tokens of affection to people she considers”.

Vanessa Guerra describes Letizia as “cordial, correct and, at times, close”. What do you think about it? Do you think Queen Letizia is really like that? Do you think Vanessa Guerra is right about the Queen of Spain?

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