The legal drama show ‘Suits‘ starring Meghan Markle set a new record in the United States due to its great popularity and increase in transmission during the year 2023 after its addition to the streaming platform Netflix last summer.
According to Nielsen analysts, ‘Suits’ was watched for a total of 57.7 billion minutes on Netflix last year, becoming the most watched show of 2023 and surpassing the acclaim program ‘The Office‘, which in 2020 set a record of 57.1 billion minutes.
The second-most watched show is the children’s cartoon ‘Bluey‘, with 43.9 billion minutes broadcast on the Disney+ service. In third place was ‘NCIS‘, and the following are old shows like ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, ‘The Big Bang Theory’, ‘Gilmore Girls’, and ‘Friends’.
‘Suits premiered in 2011 on the Channel USA Network, until its ninth and last season in 2019. Despite its popularity during its first broadcast, it experienced a great increase in audience after its addition to Netflix, receiving many good reviews about its plot.