There is a new hope in the world of superheroes and his name is James Gunn, and the fact is that DC movies have done so badly that anyone could easily surpass them, but taking into account that we like James Gunn’s movies, the hope we have left is positive, and it is that he realized the huge chaos that was happening and decided to reboot everything. Let’s go, from scratch, and the truth is that it looks interesting.
Among the decisions that the film director has been making, is the cast that will be giving life to the new superheroes that we will see on the big screen and one that was highly expected, was who will play Lex Luthor, but it was Nicholas Hoult who will take the medal in playing them.
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James Gunn says Nicholas Hoult’s Lex Luthor will be unforgettable
And after his unforgettable, it is really expected to mean something positive, because if it is negative, not only do not know what will happen with the superheroes, even his career would be at complete risk.
It has been through social networks, that the director has spoken about the universe he is creating and it was through his X account that he did it:
Yes, finally I can answer, nicholashoult is Lex Luthor in #SupermanLegacy and I couldn’t be happier. We went out to dinner last night to celebrate & discuss how we can create a Lex that will be different from anything you’ve seen before and will never forget. “But, James, we heard this weeks ago, why didn’t you tell us it was true?” Because, although we were discussing it, it wasn’t final until a couple days ago and I don’t want to tell you all something that isn’t certain.
What do you think about it? Do you think seeing them playing superheroes again is a good idea?