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Taylor Swift is the most listened artist of 2023


If you ask a group of young people who their favorite singer is, it is very likely that they will answer Taylor Swift, regardless of the country where they live, and the love they have for the American singer is incredible, to such an extent that not only the singer’s tour has been sold out, even every movie show of her film has been presented.

Taylor decided to make a compilation film of her concert, which would be shown around the world with the intention that anyone who could not have seen her live, would have the experience of the Eras Tour close to home and at a much lower cost. Taylor’s success is so exaggerated because of her music and there is no denying it, considering that she was the most listened to singer on Spotify in 2023.

Taylor Swift is the most listened artist of 2023.

With over 26.1 billion plays since January 1, Swift was 2023’s most-streamed artist worldwide, according to Spotify Wrapped. Taylor Swift’s “Midnights,” the most streamed album on Spotify, comes in second, followed by SZA‘s “SOS” in third.

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SZA’s “Kill Bill” is the second most-streamed song of the year, followed by Harry Styles’ “As It Was,” Jung Kook’s “Seven” featuring Latto’s and Eslabón Armado and Peso Pluma’s “Ella Baila Sola.”

Swift continues to rule the music scene in the United States. She was the most streamed artist on the platform, followed by Drake and country music superstar Morgan Wallen. Wallen’s “Last Night” was the most heard song, and “One Thing at a Time” was the most heard album.

The talented singer has proved once again the great love that all the public has for the singer and the willingness that they are to take Swift to the top every time. What do you think about it? Do you think Taylor Swift should be the most listened to artist? Which artist would you like to have more visibility and fame?

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