
Super Junior’s Kyuhyun was injured after being attacked by a woman with a knife

Super Junior's Kyuhyun was injured after being attacked by a woman with a knife

On November 20th, Chosun Ilbo issued an announcement stating that Super Junior‘s Kyuhyun was injured after being attacked by a woman with a knife. The idol went to the Ben-Hur Backstage, but at that moment he noticed that one was heading to the dressing room holding a knife and had the intention of attacking the entire cast.

He immediately ran to stop her and in the process received a small cut on his finger, although many fans were alarmed when they saw Kyuhyun leave the place with a bandage on his hand, the idol is fine and the woman who entered the event armed is being investigated by the authorities.

According to the investigations, the woman is 30 years old and does not seem to have any significant relationship with the members of the cast. Even so, she will continue to be detained while they conclude by collecting all the necessary information. On the other hand, the Antenna agency provided a statement with the intention of informing to the fans.

There was certainly a stabbing incident at the music concert hall on November 19th, and we are currently resolving our position regarding this event“. The agency declared, regarding the idol’s state of health, everything seems to indicate that he is in excellent condition.

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