
Squid Game and Parasite stars reunite for a film


When productions come together, there are often doubts about the quality of the result, but when it comes to cinema, seeing superstars often shows that there is a great production around the world.

Actors know well the problems of the world and that their presence in relief activities can be very important, encouraging people to join in helping and now, very important people in the industry, who we have seen in productions such as Parasite or Squid Game have been seen together for a new movie of a terrible earthquake.

The trailer for the South Korean film (Concrete Utopia), directed by Um Tae-hwa, who is known for his work on Vanishing Time: A Boy Who Returns (2016), was recently revealed. The story, loosely based on the hit webtoon Joyful Outcast, is set in a post-apocalyptic world after a devastating earthquake.

Squid Game and Parasite stars reunite for a film

When we find ourselves in an extreme situation, we only see in the short term, and so most of the decisions that are made are wrong.”

The plot centers on the Hwang Gung Apartments, the only standing building in downtown Seoul, which serves as a refuge for those who survived the chaos. The film stars Lee Byung-hun, who is famous for his role in Squid Game, and Park Seo-joon, who is known for his work in The Marvels and Parasites.

The movie has different social points of view

The film was released in its home country in August, while in America it is expected to be released in January 2024. Lee Byung-hun and Park Seo-joon star in the new Korean film, making expectations for the production extremely high.

What do you think about this movie? Will you watch it?

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