Anime fans, get in line! Netflix is gonna be dropping “Pluto,” an upcoming series that is going to join two of the biggest anime forces: Naoki Urasawa and Osamu Tezuka, who have worked on Monster and Astroboy, respectively. If you are into any of those two, then Pluto is gonna be right up your alley!
As you probably know by now, October is hitting streaming platforms and TV with tons of anime debuts and new series coming back for the season. Some of the most popular titles include Spy x Family, Shield Hero, Dr.Stone, Globin Slayer ll, and UNDER NINJA.
But just in case you are more into that “throwback” kind of vibe, then you’re set to have a good time watching Pluto on Netflix. Now here’s a fun fact: Naoki Ursawa is basically paying tribute to Osamu Tezuka with this series. Why? Well, Astroboy (created by Osamu) was the main inspiration for Pluto to be made.
If you need some more context, we’re here for you: Pluto is based on Osamu’s Astroboy, specifically on the “The Greatest Robot on Earth” story arc. That’s how Naoki was able to take some inspiration from Astroboy’s story and gave Pluto his own spin as a murder and mystery series.
So if you are hyped (like we are) here’s some more info Netflix gave us all: the anime will officially drop on October 26, so we’re basically a couple weeks from enjoying this masterpiece on our screens.
Check out the trailer here and let us know your thoughts in the comments.