Lately international movies have had high relevance in streaming platforms, especially the largest worldwide Netflix since it has a varied catalog of different genres that meet the needs of all subscribers.
Now one of the movies that has become a trend and has been much talked about through social networks is the count, an international horror film that has been listed as one of the best productions that have been part of the Netflix catalog
The Count’, the controversial Netflix movie that is on everyone’s mouth
The Chilean film “The Count” portrays the life of dictator Augusto Pinochet in an abandoned mansion in the extreme south of the continent. The protagonist is a lonely vampire who satisfies his hunger for evil in order to survive and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. All this black comedy takes place in a parallel universe.
Its synopsis already generates controversy, since it portrays a person who caused a lot of damage to Chile and represented a living example of fascism. Therefore, many have criticized the film saying that it is total garbage and that its black humor only disrespects the history of the Latin American country.
Social networks have defended the film indicating that it is a delicate subject, but that it is treated with comedy, a comedy that is definitely not for everyone.
The film released on September 7 and has received bad reviews, but it could still be a good way to escape from the routine.
What do you think? Did you like the movie, would you recommend it?