“The Marvels,” one of Marvel Studios’ upcoming movies to be released this 2023, released a new promotional poster alongside actor Park Seo Joon. With only two months to go before its release, fans of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) are anticipating the recent previews of the film.
The main plot will revolve around an investigation of a wormhole linked to the Kree, a militaristic race of humanoids. The powers of Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan and Carol Danvers will intertwine every time they exchange places, so they will have to get stronger to destroy the Skrull empire.
According to media, Park Seo-Joon would be an ally of Danvers, although for the merchandising he would play Yan D’ Aladna, prince of the planet Aladna. On this planet everyone speaks in song and their marriages are arranged. On the other hand, although there is no further information about the role he will play, expectations are high since this will be his Hollywood debut.
This movie will hit theaters on November 10th, 2023. While official posters of the film and an exclusive preview, released a few weeks ago, have been released, this time we can see an unpublished photo to announce its release in China.
Park Seo Joon is known worldwide for being one of the most iconic protagonists of k-dramas, but now the South Korean has abandoned this genre to go to the United States and succeed with “The Marvels”, which he is undoubtedly achieving by becoming one of the first Koreans to star in a MARVEL movie. Check out the trailer here: