
Michael Gambon, ‘Dumbledore’, Harry Potter’s most beloved wizard, has died


Harry Potter is not only a fantastic book saga that encouraged a whole generation to return to reading, it is also a movie saga that generated millions of dollars and created a magical universe on screen.

With 8 movies, Harry Potter became an icon, making people dream about Howarts, Harry Potter and of course, characters like Dumbledore. Unfortunately, today, September 28, woke up with the news of the death of the actor who brought him to the screen.

Michael Gambon, ‘Dumbledore’, Harry Potter’s most beloved wizard, has died.

Michael Gambon was the actor responsible for bringing Dumbledore to the big screen, unfortunately, through the media, the news came out that he had passed away. In addition, his portrayal of Dumbledore in six of the eight “Harry Potter” films made him very famous after the death of Richard Harris in 2002.

An official statement from his relatives confirmed the news and also the possible reason for his death:

‘It was an attack of pneumonia’. In addition, it was known how his last hours of life were: ‘We announce with deep sadness the departure of Sir. Michael Gambon, a beloved and devoted husband and father. Michael died peacefully in hospital in the company of his wife Anne and son Fergus, at his bedside’.

At this time, there are no further details of his funeral intentions, but it is thought that he may bid her a final farewell and bury her in his home country of Ireland or in the UK, where he had been living for some years.

Music Mundial hopes he rests in peace and wishes good wishes to the actor’s family and friends.

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