After the great success of the K-Drama titled ‘King The Land‘, which arrived on the Netflix streaming platform a few months ago and managed to dominate the service with its popularity, the arrival of a new Korean drama is expected that has excited fans and that seeks to surpass the previous milestone.
The streaming service has continued to expand its catalog, in view of the great reception that Asian productions are having, it brings more and more new installments that delight the entire public that is a fan of this genre and generates new subscribers.
Its next installment, titled ‘Moon in the Day‘, is a Netflix original fantasy romance drama starring Kim Young-dae, Pyo Ye-jin, On Joo-wan, Jung Woong-in and Lee Geung-young, as well as to be directed by the acclaimed Pyo Min Soo
This series will be an adaptation of the webtoon of the same name that has had great relevance in Korea and that hopes to premiere on the platform on October 25th of this year, and that has its followers very attentive due to its intriguing synopsis:
“A man whose time has stopped and a woman who flows like a river. This is not a simple love story but a ‘romantic thriller’. A story about conflicts that come and go in the past and present” .
For its part, the streaming platform is convinced that this next installment ‘Moon in the Day’ will dethrone the great success that ‘King The Land’ had, which became the most popular K-Drama on the platform so far this year 2023.