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The best movie of the comedy genre that you will see on the Netflix platform


Thanks to streaming platforms, all cinematographic content has become easier to consume, and everything is within reach of the public, no matter what country the production is from, even today it has been noted that the most popular productions are the Asians.

Comedies, dramas and romance are the most viewed categories on streaming services and where Asian culture is precisely having imminent success. Thanks to these entertainment platforms, its productions have been distributed and well received in the American market and the rest of the world, it is for this reason that we bring you a comedy for you to enjoy and have fun on your weekend.


The titled ‘Once Upon a Crime‘ is a Japanese production, which features great actors and actresses from this country, its synopsis tells us that; “What seemed like a fairy tale ends up becoming the prince’s worst nightmare, who will search for the murderer among the dance attendees, in order to find the real culprit of a murder“.

The story is told from the perspective of Little Red Riding Hood, who attends Cinderella‘s royal ball with complete normality, but a big murder stuns the evening so she decides to investigate on her own as a detective, she has no idea who is responsible for this fact, but she must solve the mystery quickly before midnight arrives.

Check out the trailer of the Netflix movie titled ‘Once Upon a Crime’ below:

Once Upon a Crime | Official Trailer | Netflix
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