As the days go by, the streaming platform, Netflix, increasingly expands its content catalog, making sure to have a wide variety of productions so that viewers spend most of their time enjoying its titles, whether with longer series, miniseries, or available movies.
Recently, something that is not very common has been known, a particular case that occurred with the film titled ‘The House‘, a completely ‘stop-motion‘ animation, the production of this social criticism began as a miniseries, however there were only 3 chapters of 30 minutes each of them, so Netflix decided that it was better to release it in film format.
Covering different characters and different periods of time, the Netflix production that was going to be a miniseries but became a movie, tells three stories with very different plots, around the same setting, touching on themes that make it very interesting.
To see something different from what we can commonly find, ‘The House’ is the perfect installment, since it has an enigmatic and terrifying touch, however its main genre is cinematic comedy, which makes it quite attractive to the audience.
This animation for adults even has many surreal and fun events, it is because of all these aforementioned characteristics that despite having premiered on January 14th, 2022, it still continues to capture the attention of thousands of subscribers.