In the Netflix‘s extensive catalog there are countless productions that cover different film genres, including explicit ones. Among these productions, a Thai series has attracted attention for its crude scenes and intense black humor.
This is the miniseries titled ‘6ixtynin9 The Series‘, which has managed to awaken fantasies among users who have seen it, who have also assured that this production has a good plot due to its crazy and fun story, but it could also become bizarre and disturbing for some.
This production, released this year 2023, tells the story of Toom, a woman who, after losing her job, receives a mysterious package at the door of her house, which will involve her in a problematic situation that will completely change her ordinary life in a series of catastrophic events.
The series starring Davika Hoorne has only six episodes of approximately 45 minutes each of them, and in addition to its comedy and thriller genres, these are things that make it an attractive and quick series to watch.
For their part, some users of the platform have recommended this production, becoming one of the most popular of its kind, mainly to those people who do not have much time to watch a long series.
Watch the for the miniseries titled ‘6ixtynin9 The Series’ below: