
Andrew Lincoln stars in a horror story on Netflix very different from The Walking Dead


A few years ago to television came a story that quickly changed the course of productions, as it became an ambitious project that caused a lot of nightmares among people.

When The Walking Dead premiered, everyone had an appointment on Sundays to watch the story of a group of survivors of the zombie apocalypse, starring Andrew Lincoln, giving us a character for which the world would already remember him, but now, he would be showing us his different acting skills in a new production of the Netflix platform.

andrew Lincoln

Andrew Lincoln stars in a horror story on Netflix very different from The Walking Dead

The project starring Andrew Lincoln is very different from what we know of The Walking Dead, but he does not abandon the genre, as it is a horror story that people who follow this kind of productions could love.

It is the series ‘Cabinets of Curiosities’, where each chapter tells a story totally different from the previous one and it is in episode 8 where we can see Andrew Lincoln being the protagonist of a horror story very different from ‘The Walking Dead’.

The episode is called “The Murmuring” and is based on an original creation of the renowned film director Guillermo del Toro. Its terrifying and absurd plot in a single episode was enough to scare fans of the genre.

Andrew Lincoln

What do you think of this project of the talented actor? Do you like the way he acts in something different than the zombie apocalypse we already know?

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