
King The Land: leads explained the final of the series


‘King The Land’ met critical acclaim from the critics and the general public as well because of the incredible love story from the leads, Sa-rang and Gu Won. The series quickly became a global phenomenon because of this incredible plot, and the star actors decided to explain the final of the series.

‘King The Land’ surprised everyone because of the ending plot, which caused a furor among the fans and demanded an explanation from the producers. However, the leads were in charge of this tedious task.

The 16-episode series ended with a plot that no one was expecting, and they were completely caught off guard. Sa-rang decided to quit her job because she wanted to give herself the opportunity in the hotel regardless of the circumstances. The couple had many aspirations of getting married. However, Gu Won delayed them to support her girlfriend’s ambitions.

Sa-rang started to work in her hotel and met success with it. Gu Won decided to propose to her, and she happily said yes with the help of friends and surprisingly from Gu Won’s mom. This scene concludes the love story of the Netflix series. ‘King of The Land’ leads explained that Gu Won’s mother wasn’t dead and they were able to solve their differences and clarify the mystery surrounding this scene, which ended up in a happy ending for everyone.

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