The controversial series of the Netflix streaming platform titled ‘Elite‘ has recently shared the first official images of its seventh season, this time adding a bit of more real problems to its main plot.
Due to the quality of its last seasons, the series of Spanish origin has managed to cause controversy, all this is due to the fact that a large part of the viewers affirm that they do not connect with the plot, since apparently the problems are very unreal, a large part of Internet users indicate that the behaviors are “cliché and non-existent“.
Netflix for its part has decided to ignore the criticism of the continuation of this series and announced the launch of its seventh season, and as if that were not enough, it was confirmed that it will not be the last, since apparently there will be an eighth season of ‘Elite’.
In order to empathize and connect more with the public, the production of the following season will have a small change, because this time its main tool would be mental health and it will have a quite significant role.
Although it is true, not everything will be changes, Omar Ayuso would be one of the actors who will continue to be present in this season, since this character has been maintained since the beginning of the series, and now he will be one of the main characters.
Along with new characters, among which the Brazilian singer Annitta stands out, the young Omar will try to overcome his depression by not being able to deal with the death of his great friend Samuel and everything he experienced in that last year of the course.
Its premiere will be on October 20th through the Netflix platform, will you be waiting to see it?