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The Netflix movie that has surpassed all premieres and is the most viewed at the moment


A Mexican movie released in 2020 has recently arrived on Netflix and has surprised everyone by dominating the streaming platform, becoming the most viewed production of the moment, receiving a large number of positive responses from users.

This is the film titled ‘Half Brothers‘, which despite not being new, has managed to capture the attention of many users, to the point of becoming the most viewed among the platform’s recent releases.

This production tells the story of Renato Murguía, a successful man who leads a quiet life, until he discovers that he has a stepbrother named Asher, whom he has to meet and who will bring to him new adventures that he does not expect to experience.

Renato, a successful Mexican executive, is shocked to discover that he has an American half-brother he knows nothing about, the adventurer Asher. Their father charts an odyssey for them, a journey that recreates what he did to emigrate north“, dictate the synopsis.

The commented film starring Luis Gerardo Mendes and Connor del Rio is the most viewed on Netflix Mexico, surpassing the latest releases, and although it seems a surprise to many, it is a fact that when old productions reach the platform they usually dominate in views.

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