In recent times, K-Dramas or Korean series have gained the attention and appreciation of a large part of the foreign public around the world, who have now enjoyed these productions, however with this new viewers, some doubts have arisen, such as the question that many ask, why are they so short?
If we compare these series with others of different origin, it can be noted that the doramas are the shortest, normally having a maximum of 16 episodes of about one-hour each of them, and this has a good reason.
This duration is due to the fact that productions in South Korea usually have a limited time to finish the project, which is 10 months, and is divided into 6 to carry out pre-production, 3 where filming takes place and 1 to dedicate to post-production.
In addition, it must also be taken into account that these productions are filmed as they are broadcast to the public, in order to receive prompt feedback that will serve as support to improve their next chapters, make it more pleasing to the public and ensure the success of K-Drama.
For its part, this dynamic is not usually used in western series, which are published after it has been completely recorded and finished, just waiting for the public’s response without being able to make any changes.
As much as the duration of the Korean series is an interesting topic of conversation, it has never been a problem for viewers who continue to enjoy the productions that have provided so much entertainment and satisfaction to their fans.