One of the most famous animated series ever created, the Simpsons, a cartoon so emblematic that it has marked several generations. This is what the Simpsons characters would look like in real life.
The controversial Artificial Intelligence has now managed to recreate the main characters of The Simpsons, the animated series that has won the affection of the global public. Meanwhile, the results of this experiment have given much to talk about in social networks, since the details of each of the characters would be truly disturbing if they were real people.
So far, artificial intelligence has fooled more than one person, since the representations can be so accurate that they would be confused with something real, an example are the photographs that became popular at the time of Pope Francis wearing clothes unpopular for his style.
This is how some Simpsons characters would look like:
Lisa Simpson
Homer Simpson
Bart Simpson
Artificial intelligence undoubtedly gives us the opportunity to recreate faces and characters, making digitalization much easier, a problem that is now being seen by actors, who are now marching on strike in Hollywood to prevent human actors from disappearing at some point.
This is what this iconic family would look like, but what other famous cartoon could you realistically see for ai?