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U.S. Government cancels Peso Pluma concert for incredible reason


The success that Mexican singer Peso Pluma has is undeniable, his music has crossed borders making people from all over the world chant the lyrics of each of his songs. Now, it is known that the U.S. government canceled a Peso Pluma concert for an incredible reason.

peso pluma

Peso Pluma due to their imminent success has found themselves giving concerts around the world with the intention of bringing their live show to every fan, including all those in the United States, unfortunately, the U.S. government has cancelled their concert for an incredible reason.

Yesterday, the singer Peso Pluma could not offer one of his most anticipated shows in the city of Nashville in the state of Tennessee, as part of the tour with his new album ‘Genesis’.

This happened when the artist was about to perform before the crowd that was waiting for him at the venue. But it was the members of civil protection, who prevented the young singer to start the show.

peso pluma

The cancellation of the 23 year old singer’s show took place when the weather conditions were quite bad, so several authorities of the country did not allow him to go on stage. This was the reason why the performer had to come out to explain to the fans that the concert had unfortunately been cancelled.

“I came out to face them and tell them that here is the whole team. In fact, we are ready for the show, but because of the storm and civil protection, it will not be possible”, he explained to the dissatisfaction of the people.

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