
BTS achieves their first win with their latest song ‘Take Two’


BTS is currently one of the most influential boy bands in the music industry and one of the main reasons why K-Pop as a genre has gained a lot of importance on a global scale. Since their debut, the group as a whole has continued thriving and the proof of it is that their latest song, ‘Take Two’, just got its first win on Mnet’s ‘M! Countdown.’

‘Take Two’ was released on June 9 to commemorate BTS’ 10th anniversary and their fans, the so-called ARMY, took the time to celebrate and reflect on the boy band’s trajectory. The song was well-received by the general public and it is already a huge success. Earlier this week, the song was nominated, alongside Stay Kids’ ‘S Class’,  for first place in Mnet’s ‘M! Countdown.’

After the nominees were revealed, BTS got an impressive score of 7500 points which was more than enough to take first place and achieve their first win with the emotional song. On top of that, the song had previously debuted at the #1 spot on the Global Spotify Chart on its first day of release and also got into the Top 50 of the Billboard Hot 100 despite not being heavily promoted.

The moment where ‘Take Two’ takes the victory was recorded and the ARMY did not hesitate to post it on social media to show how proud they feel of their boys. Even 10 years after their debut, BTS continues to get hit after hit.

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